Consumer AI Applications

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Today’s Top Applications:

  • Consumer AI Applications

  • Agentic Rag Applications

Consumer AI Applications

If you ever wanted to create a startup and raise money you need to have two things. Especially, those without stellar backgrounds (Ivy League education or worked at big tech). They need traction and their idea needs to be in a good space. Furthermore, Many VCs in the past few years felt the consumer market was dead and told founders to focus on businesses. This was a leading belief for YC until recently.

Thanks to the AI revolution the consumer market is back. The most popular apps are in content generation or editing across many fields such as image, video, music, and speech. For example, generating music has become a new interest for consumers. This new trend is resulting in more engagement for Udio and Suno.

Why it matters:

When Chatgpt was released users were only generating text, hence the productivity gains were only visible in writing tasks. Now there are more applications available to help users be more productive in other aspects of their lives. Moreover, it’s easier to get consumers to try new apps than businesses, which makes testing and validating much easier.

Agentic RAG application

RAG is the most applied technique in AI tools. For example, AI tools that offer Q&A, web search, and customer service chatbots all use RAG to output their answers. The conventional RAG system relies on existing data systems while this new agentic RAG uses agents to cross-reference multiple sources and make multi-level inferences to verify the output.

Why it matters:

This has a major impact in the healthcare and financial sectors where the agent can verify multiple docs and produce answers that need to be cross-referenced with multiple sources. For example, this agent can assist doctors and nurses by retrieving and verifying information from various medical journals, clinical trials, and patient records

Upcoming Trends to watch out for

  • The Rise of text to video models : The videos generated by Kling AI and Runaway models have gone viral recently

  • The rise of Llama models in Enterprise: Enterprises like AT&T, Goldman Sachs, Zoom all have opted in using the Llama models

  • Competition amongst Humanoid creators:  1X technologies just unveiled Neo Beta that can lift 44 lbs. They are competing with Optimus and China’s AGIBOT fleet

That’s a finish for today

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